Full Stack Developer and System Administrator

I manage servers and software, and love doing it.

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Recent Posts

Docker Galera Cluster

When I was considering switching jobs a few years ago, I had some interest for a database admin position that was heavy on Galera. I had a lot of MySQL replication experience, but had never touched Galera. It still sounded like an interesting opportunity and I was confident I could do the job, but I needed to learn some Galera!

The Stack Cycle

The cyclic nature of web development technologies is a chore to keep up with and sometimes just makes me laugh. When I started out doing web stuff professionally back in the early 2000’s, most dynamic websites were running some interpreted language like perl or php.

Neovim with WSL

I finally took the plunge into converting to Neovim as my IDE earlier this year. As a linux admin, I can get around in vim and actually have always preferred it over the other command line options. Even having used it for many years, I admit I wasn’t aware of what it’s capable of until a few years ago after I started following theprimeagen.

Tools of the Trade


I use Docker almost every day whether it's testing, exploring new tools, or managing production containers. Docker breaks down barriers to experimentation and has completely changed the way I work.


Neovim is a fork of Vim that adopted a more open development model with Lua script engine built in; igniting a rich ecosystem of community plugins. I switched in early 2024 and could not be happier!


If you spend a lot of time on the command line and you haven't tried fzf, go download it now! This fuzzy finder saves countless hours typing paths for admins and devs.


My needs for a deployment/configuration tool lie more on the configuration side of things and Ansible's idempotent nature is perfect for my use case.

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